(King Abdullah University of Science & Technology) KAUST Commencement 2022 looks to a bright future

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) celebrated its 13th Commencement on a cool, breezy evening, December 16, 2022, among approximately 380 graduating students and a full audience of supportive families, university community members and distinguished guests. The event took place at Discovery Walk at the center of the University “Spine” — the outdoor corridor that runs the length of the academic campus. Those unable to attend in person could watch the livestream event online — also available for post commencement viewing.
The ceremonial procession began the evening’s fanfare, with the graduates wearing regalia according to degree — dark green robes worn by doctoral graduates, and black gowns by master’s students, with colorful vestments based on affiliated division. The audience rose while the Saudi national anthem played, and sat in silent respect during the recitation of the Qur’an.

KAUST master’s students affiliated with the Physical Science and Engineering (PSE) division, recognized by their green vestments (left), and doctoral candidates dressed in green robes with black velvet bands on the sleeves (front right) wait in anticipation of receiving their diplomas at Commencement 2022. Photo: KAUST
Provost Larry Carin warmly welcomed everyone to the event, introducing KAUST President Tony Chan to the stage. The President’s address invited graduating students to ponder “a world we would like to live in,” with a titled talk centered on the theme of applying one’s talent in the world, with a challenge that their service help shape a better future.
“The youth intelligentsia is the point of the arrow of transformation,” Chan said. “You combine the inspiring passion of the young and the know-how and skills of the learned few. You have the ability, energy and commitment to transform the ways and implements of the past, and to turn the present into that future world that you would like to live in. A world worth living in.”

KAUST President Tony Chan welcomed the graduating students, KAUST community, families and distinguished guests to Commencement 2022. Photo: KAUST
President Chan called attention to three outstanding graduating students whose pursuits illustrate how they are embracing challenge and change: Eman Alhajji for her dedicated leadership as founding president of both the KAUST Students for Sustainability and the Saudi Youth for Sustainability; Lyndsey Tanabe for her tireless advocacy to protect sea turtles and coral reef ecosystems; and Wedyan Babatain, whose soft programmable materials are helping to make our cities smarter. The President additionally referenced the 10 alumni recently honored at the KAUST 2022 Alumni Change Makers Awards event who are already making meaningful contributions in the world through their respective fields. He concluded with a reminder to “surround yourself with quality people,” thanking the outgoing class for being among the inspired.
Following the President’s speech, student commencement speaker Evgeniya Volkova, a graduating doctoral student in earth science and engineering, greeted those in attendance. Volkova talked about her journey at KAUST, acknowledging how its ethos to engage with others and collaborate guided her projects and gave her the ability to look at research in the context of a bigger picture. Her work, which focuses on modeling fundamental properties of dust and its impact on solar panels, is a crucial area of research for the Middle East. “Who would have thought that math could be more than a bunch of numbers?” she asked.

Commencement 2022 student speaker Evgeniya Volkova addressed the graduating students, saying that it was her involvement with all aspects of KAUST, both academic and personal, that fed her spirit. Photo: KAUST
Volkova is recognized by fellow students as much for her extracurricular activities as for her science, including her role as the former vice-president and co-founder of Students for Sustainability, and for her passionate piano performances at diverse events across campus.
In a conversation prior to Commencement, Volkova said that it was this involvement with all aspects of KAUST, both academic and personal, that fed her spirit and helped her to thrive. “My advice to the new and returning students at KAUST is to engage in as many different activities and programs as you can and cultivate relationships with a wide range of faculty and students both in and outside of your field,” she said. “This is where real learning (and real fun) begins.”
Following Volkova’s address, President Chan welcomed Distinguished Speaker Alice Gast to the stage. The Emeritus Professor of Chemical Engineering and former President of Imperial College London 2014-2022 is also a former board member of KAUST (2009–2018). In Gast’s speech, she talked about KAUST as a culture of risk takers “jumping the curbstone of tradition,” with many traveling far from home to immerse in research and innovate alongside those from other cultures.

Distinguished Speaker Alice Gast delivered an address during KAUST Commencement 2022 that encouraged researchers to embrace risk-taking and competition. Photo: KAUST
She quoted Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, whose childhood story about turning ordinary backyard rocks into polished rocks through friction and grinding became a metaphor for working as a team — that “through that group of talented people bumping up against each other, having arguments, having fights sometimes, making some noise and working together, they polish each other, and they polish the ideas, and what comes out are these beautiful stones.”
Gast concluded, “My message to you is to build those teams. Polish your ideas by seeking people with different views and talents, and don’t be afraid of your competitors; they may hold the key to your success.”
KAUST commencement video profiles students in the graduating class of 2022: Abdullah Albakry, Saudi Arabia, Electrical & Computer Engineering MSc; Rabab Alomairy, Saudi Arabia, Computer Science PhD; Solomon Apuu, Nigeria, Mechanical Engineering MSc; Nadia Al-Mutlak, Saudi Arabia, Mechanical Engineering MSc; Lyndsey Tanabe, The United States of America, Marine Science PhD; Liam Swanepoel, South Africa, Bioengineering PhD
A celebratory video featuring a cross-section of KAUST graduates played for the audience after Gast’s address, followed by the conferral of degrees.

A KAUST doctoral graduate proudly walks across the stage with her diploma, Commencement 2022. Photo: KAUST
Graduating students by division
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering (BESE):
- Master of Science degrees: 71
- Doctorate degrees: 32
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE):
- Master of Science degrees: 85
- Doctorate degrees: 34
Physical Science and Engineering (PSE):
- Master of Science degrees: 95
- Doctorate degrees: 61
Download the Class of 2022 Overview
Of this year’s total number of graduates, around 40% are from Saudi Arabia. Saudi native Jumanah Mayet, a Master of Science student in material science and engineering, was among those receiving a degree. What made the occasion meaningful for Mayat and her family is that she follows in the footsteps of her father, Alumnus Dr. Abdul-Ilah bin Muhammad Mayt, who graduated from KAUST in 2016 with a PhD in electrical engineering, and 2012 with a Master of Science degree, also in the same subject. This is the first time KAUST has had a father and daughter graduate from the university. Both Mayet’s father and mother were present at commencement to share her moment of recognition.
Commencement 2022 portrait of KAUST MSc graduate Jumanah Mayet (2022) and her father, Dr. Abdul-Ilah bin Muhammad Mayt, a KAUST alumnus (2012; 2016) with advanced degrees in electrical engineering. Photo: KAUST
“Not every daughter gets a chance to follow her father’s lead,” Mayet said. “My father set the bar high, inspiring me to do the same. My goal is to make him proud, as he is a wonderful leader.”

A proud family surround the newly degreed graduate holding his diploma. Photo: KAUST
A reception capped the evening’s proceedings, with community camaraderie, food and music buoying spirits into the night.